Fujio Akatsuka Wiki

Hanahada-kun (ハナハダくん) is a gag one-shot by Fujio Akatsuka and Fujio Pro, serialized in Elementary School 5th Grade.


A father has most unusual but powerful abilities in using his giant nostrils to suck up objects or spew them back out. These powers can be as handy or a nuisance to his wife, but his son seems to have inherited the same ability and is also eager to test his out.



A man who has two giant nostrils in place of any nose. He sometimes can get things stuck up in them, such as the family cat. He is used as a sniffer dog by the police department, and made to put on an animal suit so he can sniff around and track criminals. When using his suction abilities, he can use water and snot as projectiles to great effect.


A housewife who doesn't quite get her husband's bizarre ability, but in the end she is pleased when both her husband and son are able to use their nostril powers as a way to take them all off in a space rocket.


A pig-nosed young boy who's been starting to work on his own amazing abilities with his nose, to where he can blow out a forceful blast to silence his parents and stun them. He has also come to use his nose power in baseball, and together with his father, can power a rocket with his exhalation ability.


  • Elementary School 5th Grade: December 1978 appendix booklet


  • Shogakukan: Reprinted in the "1970s" volume of the Fujio Akatsuka Complete Works DVD-ROM set, and part of the print-on-demand book edition via ComicPark