Marippe-sensei (まりっぺ先生) is a manga adaptation of the Kazuo Funahashi TV drama of the same name. It was written and illustrated by Fujio Akatsuka, and ran as a short-term feature in Ribon magazine through 1959.
Both the TV drama and manga revolve around a young teacher known as Marippe (a nickname for "Mariko") and her experiences teaching and living in a Tohoku mountain village.
While the TV drama ran for a 44-episode order from November 29, 1958 to September 26, 1959, Akatsuka's manga tie-in was significantly briefer and came in the midst of its run. The Marippe-sensei series is an example of a television show lost to time, however, and the manga would be a surviving remnant of documenting its existence.
A hard-working young woman with characteristic braided hair. She gets into many exploits with her students, and is popular amongst them all.
Towards the end of the run however, the students hear that Marippe will be transferred to another school and attempt to form an opposition movement to the idea. Ultimately, as she is needed more elsewhere, Marippe must bid farewell to her class and everyone she had gotten to know in the village.
- Ribon: April to November 1959, as a special feature in the magazines' appendix booklets
Five Marippe-sensei chapters were finally compiled in a volume as part of the "Fujio Akatsuka Complete Works" DVD-ROM set by Shogakukan, after having had no previous reprint.
More recently, they are available as part of ComicPark's print-on-demand books sourced from the set.