The Disorderly Family (バラバラ一家 Barabara Ikka) is a gag work by Fujio Akatsuka and Fujio Pro, serialized in Nakayoshi.
The tale of a family whose members are all rather aggressive to one another, to where their dysfunction gets in the way of others' business.
The salaryman father. When a co-worker named G-san drops by to visit, he and his wife argue over what drinks to give him and wind up driving him to anger.
The family's combined anger is shown to scare away a robber, but D-Ichi decides the ultimate way to resolve their family tension is to all get separate television sets for the household. Unfortunately, the combined noise of devices drives them all mad, to where the exhaused family opts to live outside in their yard in doghouses.
A housewife. She gets into a feud with her family over the kids' fight over the television, and fights with her husband over the drink matter.
The daughter figure. She likes watching an exercise show, but becames angered when B-Taro changes the channel to watch Topo Gigio, triggering their first fight in the story. The two wind up getting into a feud on the way to school as well, and even when they arrive.
The younger brother, who is shown to fight with his sister throughout the story.
A cat, who plays much less of a part than the other family members but gets into the argument over the childrens' fighting.
D-Ichi's co-worker. After being angered by the fighting and lack of drinks received from the couple, he snaps and beats up each member of the family (except for the cat).
- Nakayoshi: August 1967
- Akebono: Reprinted as part of the "Mean Family" volume in the "Fujio Akatsuka Complete Works" collection.
- Shogakukan: The "Mean Family" volume was digitized for the Complete Works DVD-ROM collection, and a print-on-demand version was put out through ComicPark.
- eBookJapan: Appears in volume 1 of the "Fujio Akatsuka Family Collection" eBook release